2022 Buddy Map
New Buddy map for 2022 Click HERE to view
If you’re a member of GoGreen then please also join our GoGreen Buddy Map HERE
If you were added to the map before 28th December 2021 you have now been removed. You can add yourself again via the link below.
The actual Buddy Map will be updated roughly every 24hr. Please register your details to join the map HERE
This map is for FREE buddy practise. Please do not use the Buddy Map as a form of advertising your training services where you will be charging for buddying up and training.
For ADIs with Standard Checks and the desire to complete CPD in a job that can sometimes be very lonely, we offer you the chance to meet with fellow ADIs and PDIs in your area for advice, reciprocal Mock Tests or even just a coffee and a chat. Zoom in on the map to see who is near you and register your details HERE. Please note that this map is publicly available. We do not pass on your contact details to other companies or organisations.
For PDIs finding a good training, buddy is an invaluable part of your training. Your ‘buddy’ could be a fellow PDI, ADI or a friend or family member who is able and willing to share your training experience.
If your training buddy has some idea about how a Part 3 Test is conducted, this will be of an advantage. It would be most beneficial if using a friend or family member to buddy with has watched some of Part 3 related videos. Ideally, a fellow PDI who is also training using this website or an ADI would be the best buddy to team up with.
To find a local training buddy, have a look at the ‘Buddy Map’. If you wish to be added to the map please click HERE
In-car buddying is a real way of practising for your Part 3. You may choose to watch a video topic first and then go out and practise that particular subject or if you are teaching a ‘real’ pupil either on a ‘pink’ or for (non-financial gain) Part 3 practice, a structure that lesson in the way you would for a Part 3 Test.
Often by taking a step back and watching another PDI or ADI instructing gives an opportunity to see faults and the consequences and will help you to recognise the needs within your own training. You may also pick up good techniques and skills that you feel would enhance your own teaching.
REMEMBER – you are not there to ‘train’ each other. Keep it enjoyable, stay positive, avoid conflicts of opinion (your ‘buddy’ of today is your ADI colleague of tomorrow!), and most of all……